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File Comment
│                         Chicago Computer Brokers                           │
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│FileName   │FileSize │FileDate│ File Description                            │
XLCNVERT.ZIP   116344  09-11-95  XL Conversion+ - contains 670 custom
                               | functions for converting units of measure in
                               | XL 5.x. Functional areas include temperature,
                               | velocity, acceleration, volume, area, work,
                               | length, weight, and more. Description
                               | Copyright 1995 PsL
                               | (Newest File Date: 04-10-95)

Document (4)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
CNVRTPLS.XLA Excel Spreadsheet 2 243KB 1995-04-10
INSTALL.WRI Windows Write Document 1 3KB 1995-04-10
SSADDINS.HLP Windows Help File 35 118KB 1995-04-10
SSREGSTR.XLA Excel Spreadsheet 1 36KB 1995-04-10

Text (1)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 9 238b 1995-04-18